Leo Child

Leo child is basically an attention seeker. They always want to remain in the limelight. Children born with the Leo Zodiac sign grows up to live their life in the most luxurious way. A Leo child may lack the judgement skills.

Like to be in the limelight
A child born with Zodiac loves to remain in lime light always and thy leave no stones unturned to achieve the same.

Knack for bossiness
Since the Leo child grows with the belief that wherever he goes he will enjoy the limelight, occasionally he may behave indifferently when this does not take place. 

Living life king-size
Leo born child grows up to live their lives in the most extravagant and exuberant ways. They do not repent in spending.

Knack for making hasty judgments
They have a natural instinct to get along easily with people who love them and also have the ability to shun the people who are least important to them. 

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