Date - March 13
Check Your Birthday Forecast
 General Traits:

Ruled by number 4 and the planet Uranus. You are generous, peace loving, dashing, systematic, disciplined, and creative in nature. You are very hardworking and possess an ability to impress others with your intelligence, but you need to control your tendency to be extravagant, reckless and moody at times. This year you would find yourself changing plans more than usual and decision on certain fronts would not be easy. Some changes in friendship also seem to take place later this year. Frequent and fruitful journeys would be undertaken. A property transaction or acquiring a new vehicle during this period seems likely. Visit to a religious place or blessings from a spiritual person would be high on your agenda. Your outgoing nature will work to your advantage as you gain favours and benefits from important people. The months of October, February and July will bring prosperity.

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