Numerology Report

Know Your Lucky Number

This is the science of numbers. This is a branch of the divine science i. e. Astrology. This occult science of numbers is completely based on numbers. This is a complete mathematics, which is not very tough at the same time. This is not as tough as the traditional or the western astrology. There are only nine numbers in Numerology and all other numbers are the derived numbers. That is when you talk of the numbers then it means that between 1 to 9, like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 only. But when you talk of say 29 or 16 or whatever it may be, then it means that number 29 is containing two digits i. e. 2 & 9, which are coming from the same series of the numbers. So what we have to do over here is, we have to go on adding these two digits, till it results in to a one number. Now you see, this 29 becomes, 2+9=11. Now add up again, it becomes 1+1=2. So resultant number is two. All the numbers have their own significance. The need is to follow them as per the numerological terms. Simply from your date of birth even, you can calculate all of the important happenings of the past, present or the future. You can know the general analysis of the personality or the character very easily. You can find out your lucky numbers, lucky days, lucky colours or lucky stones yourself also. A ready-made chart for the same is also given as under for your day to day activities or perusal. 


 Disclaimer: These are software generated reports. We do not recommend people to take it as a personal advice without consulting us personally. For any personal recommendations please contact our team at or +91-172-2562832, +91-11-47033152

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