Libra Man

Libra Man is known for his justice, equality and partnership. He is strongly against conflicts and love to maintain quiet and peace. He is in constant search for balance and harmony. Libra men are extraordinary debaters and love to do this with a deep fairness by weighing things perfectly. He makes decisions that are well balanced considering all possible aspects.

Love, Sex, and Relationships
Libra Man love to be in live and never play games in relationships. Sex according to Libra Men is giving and receiving. Relationship makes him complete and strive his best to keep it long.

Understanding Libra Men
Libra Men need a perfect balance of order and fairness in his life. He is well balanced in arguments. He is charming and handsome making heads turn wherever he is present.

Libra Man is more attracted towards finer things even if it is not needed for him. He plans for a secure future by altering both short term and long term investments.

Libra Man is highly attracted towards grey and blue. He is very good in wearing trendy clothes. Libra men love gold cufflinks, diamond rings and stylish watches even without sufficient money.

Libra Men are extremely sensitive to the feelings and needs of his partners. He is an optimistic personality and see good in every person. His is very famous for his outgoing and charm personality.

Libra Men are dedicated to please their partners. He always keeps the pleasure of his partner well before his. All together, he is a great person to go with.

Libra Men loves to have healthy lifestyle. He may come across back pain issues during later part of his life. He can take utmost care to minimize his back injury.

Libra Man can play excellent role as team player by boosting the morale of his fellow players. But he may not be a great leader. He is also suitable as interior decorators, counselor, landscaper, mediator, social worker, banker and lawyer.


Check out Libra Sexual & Intimacy compatibility - Here

How Lucky are you? Check out Libra Lucky/Unlucky Horoscope Here..

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Apeksha Gupta
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