Leo Man


Leo men are known for their gregarious, enthusiastic and warm behavior that make him to sit on top of the world. He is extremely strong and dignified with a mesmerizing power surrounding him. Leo men are inborn leaders with good number of followers at their back. He is very strong in his decisions and it can’t be changed that easily. The Leo men loves to be in limelight and adore being center of attraction.

Love, Sex, Romance, and Relationships
Leo man approach love to be dramatic, spectacular, ground shaking and earth shattering. His partner should match him in warmth, generosity, confidence and strength. He is a romantic lover and loves pleasure in life.

Understanding Leo Man
Leo man may seem to be arrogant at first look but basically he is a compassionate and good hearted. He easily gets his respect from friends and family members. The Leo men are creative and never boring.

He is more attracted towards finest things like expensive jewelry, big homes and fancy cars. Leo men are not very good at savings but at times he is strongly oblivious.

Leo men are more attracted towards yellow and gold color. His wardrobe carries the best he can buy. In short, we can describe him as royal member bounded by extravagance.

Leo man is good in maintaining friends and enjoys partying. He likes to deliver his opinions and voted as best too. Leo men are caring and generous who forgives without any intention.

Leo man is no way close to monotony and boredom. He is filled with numerous ideas and keeps on engaging his partner. He love to play games and impressed with all forms of romantic gestures.

Leo men will involve in all forms of physical activities and highly prone to injuries and back pain. He loves to eat rich fatty food items that makes him hard to maintain his ideal weight.

Leo man can perform better as clothing designer, sales, sports, event coordinators, social workers and also politics. He also loves to be on limelight like movie artists or stage player.


Check out Leo Marriage Compatibility Horoscope Here..

Are you looking for a raise in Career? Check out Leo Career Horoscope Here..


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