A Comprehensive book on Vastu-All Questions Answered- Out of Stock

A Comprehensive book on Vastu-All Questions Answered- Out of Stock


Is Vastu Shastra just a myth or a well founded science? The author Dr Prem Kumar Sharma, the renowned astrologer and Vastu Expert has answered all the queries on Vastu in a question-answer format in this book.

The book is written in a simple, clear and lucid style with various line diagrams that is easy to refer. The answers to the various problems given in this book help in re-evaluating and restoring the positivity of a house within. After analysing all the components and examining all the perspectives of Vastu, the author delivered a scientific explanation of Vastu Shastra.
As it expounds only the practical knowledge based on the experience of the author thatโ€™s why the book claims to be different from others in the market. This book is recommended to all, who wants to unravel the strength of prosperity and peace in relation with Vastu.

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Astrology is something that I am a firm beliver of. Call me superstitious but I am just someone who needs to know how and what my stars are saying. It's better to be prepared and much better to know what to do. Dr Prem kumar sharma ji ( uncle ) ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿปhas not just empowered my vision but has also been my guiding light in both personal as well as professional life. It's like he is a guiding light for me. Thankyou so very much ..๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
Shanky Mathur
Jai mata di!! Me and my family have been visiting Sir for over a decade now for his guidance. Sir is a great man and a pure soul and busy too, he tries to explain everything in detail with logic.Our family respect him a lot from many years. We all seek his advice time to time and found his findings correct and honour them on priority. Supporting staff is also very helpful and deals with patience.
Very accurate
A gem of a person who is blessed with a connection of divine. His predictions and guidance around them are very apt. I went to him five years ago and my life has changed like a miracle. He is mentor who always uses patience and emotional intelligence while dealing with me. So blessed to have him, Jai Matadi!!
Priyanka Khandelwal
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