Aquarius Career Horoscope

About Aquarius
Aquarians never believe in traditional approach in life, they are go-getter and always try to innovate the new things. This is the key of success for them. They can be professional in research. They can be inventor, astrologer, neurologist, a computer scientist, a pilot, a cartoonist etc. If Aquarian love to work independently rather joining a 9 to 5 job, they can join such organization, where they can put their new ideas and generate something new or discover the new things. It would be challenging for them to break the traditional rules and make a new path for themselves and for others but later they would find name and fame.

They will excel in the fields of liaison, marketing, trading, medicines, and agriculture. They can become good surgeons or engineers. Real business suits them more. If the sign Aquarius is free from afflictions and Saturn is well placed, they will do wonders and can achieve high position in life. If it is highly afflicted then it makes an Aquarian highly selfish, crooked, gloomy and always lonely. Strong concentration on the work front will bring handsome returns.

As a boss they are very kind and understanding to cope up with the employee’s problems. So it is better for them to keep try to implement their thoughts instead of leaving the situation. As per their nature, the suitable field for them is creative jobs as film industry etc.


Check out Aquarius Sexual & Intimacy compatibility Here

How Lucky are you? Check out Aquarius Lucky/Unlucky Horoscope Here..

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