About Gemini

About Gemini
This is the third and airy sign of the Zodiac, which is influenced by the planet Mercury. People born in this sign are tall, upright and have long hands and thin legs, sharp and long nose. Generally they have wheatish complexion. They are known for their quick wit and intelligence. They are carefree and jovial by nature. They are highly enthusiastic and enterprising. They have a commendable memory and grasping power. They are active and cheerful, but at times may lose many good opportunities because of their reluctant and fussy nature. They are very diplomatic people. They have a great sense of timing and can avoid adverse situations. They think that they are always right and never change their mind until the next time the argument begins, when they will take a stand diametrically opposite to their earlier one and even deny ever having given vent to their earlier opinions. This will baffle and infuriate their opponents in arguments.

Sometimes, their behavior is very difficult to understand. People born in this sign are excellent communicators and are known for their writings and oratorical skills. They have an insistent urge to communicate with others and reach out to people. The more intellectual Gemini's, in their quest to impress people with their views and opinions on various issues, will be constantly writing to the press, lecturing, appearing on TV discussions, addressing meetings.

Gemini being a dual sign, duality is an important part of their nature, and it would be unwise to make any attempt to hide it. They need variety and change, as they get easily bored with monotony. For them, consistency is not a virtue.

They should be careful not to overstrain their sensitive and highly-strung nervous system, which can break down under pressure. People whose sign or Mercury is afflicted in the birth chart develop negative traits. Lies, deceit, inconsistency, superficiality and unreliability mark their personalities. If they can curb their negative traits like restlessness, impatience, inconsistency and dual nature then their success in life would be remarkable.


Check out Gemini Man Characteristics : Personality Traits

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